Advantages of Liquid-Applied Roof Systems

Liquid applied roof systems are increasingly being used for weatherproofing the roof, due to the many benefits they offer. These systems involve the application of liquid materials, such as coatings, to the exterior of a building in order to protect it from external elements. When it comes to a liquid applied roofing system project, you should always work with reputed experts such as those at Yoder Roofing in the Lee’s Summit, MO region. Just call 660-412-2023 and let our experts help you every step of the way.

Benefits of Liquid Applied Roof Systems:

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One of the main benefits of liquid-applied systems is their ability to provide a seamless and durable barrier against water and air infiltration. Unlike traditional weatherproofing methods, such as tar and gravel roofing, liquid-applied systems can be applied in a continuous and uniform manner, creating a barrier that makes it extremely difficult for water and air to penetrate. This significantly reduces the risk of leaks and drafts and will help to extend the life of a building’s roof, walls, and other exterior surfaces.

Another benefit of liquid-applied systems is that they are highly customizable. Different liquid materials can be used to achieve different results, such as increased reflectivity, UV resistance, or fire resistance. This allows building owners and contractors to tailor their weatherproofing solution to the specific needs of their building and its environment.

Liquid-applied systems are also relatively easy to install. They can be applied quickly and efficiently, without the need for heavy equipment or complicated machinery. This reduces labor costs and minimizes disruption to the building’s occupants during the installation process.

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In addition to the above benefits, liquid-applied systems are also environmentally friendly. Many liquid materials used in these systems are made from sustainable and renewable resources, such as soybeans and other plant-based materials. They also have low VOC (volatile organic compounds) emissions, which means they are less harmful to the environment and to human health.

Finally, liquid-applied systems helps to save energy costs. Reflective coatings reduce heat gain and lower cooling loads, and insulation coatings can be used to improve the thermal performance of a building’s envelope. This can lead to significant energy savings and help to reduce a building’s carbon footprint.

In conclusion, liquid-applied systems are an excellent choice for building weatherproofing, due to their durability, customization, ease of installation, environmental friendliness, and energy savings.

Building owners and contractors who are looking to protect their buildings from the elements, should consider the many benefits of liquid applied systems. When deciding to go forward, always go with roofing companies that you trust so you can build a long-term relationship with them. Our experts at Yoder Roofing have a proven track record of providing quality that exceeds our customers’ expectations. What are you waiting for? Call us at 660-412-2023 and schedule a free consultation today!